You know that old saying, “Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day”? I try to live by that philosophy as much as possible and look for something positive, even if the day has been really crappy. It helps me put things into perspective and sleep a little better at… Keep Reading
I’ve been going through some difficult “stuff” lately which has been very challenging for me. I’m generally a very positive and upbeat person… a half glass full kind of girl. Lately though I’ve been feeling very discouraged, with a real sense of unfairness. I don’t like feeling this way at all, so it was time… Keep Reading
Spring in my Step
Spring is finally here! The grass is getting greener, plants are emerging from the soil, and the birds are chirping once again. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me! I am completely a sunny (and warm!) weather girl. Here on the west coast we’ve had an unusually cold and snowy winter. A few… Keep Reading
Sweet Little Baby
Is there anything sweeter than a newborn baby? The way they smell, the little sounds they make, the way they still smunch up into a little ball… these are the little things that (almost!) make me want to have another! We’ve had two new little babies born to good friends in the last month so… Keep Reading
Par for the Course
A new month means a new Buffet! This month the colour palette just screamed golf to me. Although I’m not a golfer, my husband sure is. He’s either playing it or watching it or talking to his friends about it. (That is, when it’s not hockey season of course!) At one point we had reached… Keep Reading