This week’s release is all about the Road Trip! It’s such a blast to just get in the car and see where the road takes you. Add in your favourite partner-in-crime and you’ve got yourself a fantastic memory!!
Oldies But Goodies… Adventure on the Road
DSD Weekend!
It’s Digital Scrapbook Day and we’re celebrating at Gingerscraps! We have a 50% off sale and lots of fun and games for you. I’m hosting a slow scrap in the forum, with the prize being a $3 coupon to my store if you use my products. I’ve also got two big grab bags, and my October Buffet goodies to share. There’s also not one, not two, but THREE gifts at the end of this post. Sweet!
These grab bags work out to $1 per pack inside them. You certainly won’t see these prices again!
My October Buffet goodies are still available at 50% off too. Check these out…
Thanks for sticking with me this long… and here’s your reward.
Have a great weekend!
Adventure: On the Road
Today I’m releasing the next installment of my Adventure series. On The Road is all about those RV trips and fun road trips with family or friends. We take a couple of long RV trips every summer and try to get to new places each time. We’ve discovered so many cool, out-of-the-way places over the years… stuff you’d never find by sticking to the main roads. One of the coolest was on a trip to Texas where came across a little town called Albert, population 1. It was named after Albert Luckenbach… the same Luckenbach whose name graces another town. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?