One of my absolute favourite pastimes is reading. I’ll read just about anything, but I definitely have some genre that I’ll pick over others. I remember my parents gave me a copy of “Little Women” for my 12th birthday and that was it for me… I was entranced! That’s where I really made the leap from children’s books into actual novels. The classics are still my first choice, Austen’s Pride and Prejudice being my all-time favourite. I also can’t get enough of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. Sometimes I want a quick and easy read though, and then I love a good suspense or murder mystery type of book. (I’ll even read a cheesy historical romance once in a while!)
I work as a 911 fire dispatcher in my “real life” and so we have a lot of down time when there are no fires and such happening. That’s where I tend to do most of my reading these days, which is a pretty sweet deal when you think about it… getting paid to read! I recently bought myself a Kindle for the portability factor, and for the free books (I’m an Amazon Prime member.) I honestly thought I’d never do that since I feel that nothing compares to having an actual book in hand, but I’m getting used to it and I think I’m getting to the point now that I don’t really notice it anymore while I’m reading.
So, what are you reading these days?