Moving On
It’s exciting and a little bad sad all wrapped up in a cardboard box. Whether you’re moving to your first home, upgrading to a bigger one, or moving far away to a new one there is always a little nervous excitement packed up in those big cardboard boxes. As you’re unpacking those boxes just remember the song… be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home!
The Good Stuff
Dear Old Dad
Did you get a chance to see my June Buffet, Dear Old Dad? Once again, life took over and I didn’t get a chance to show it off here. So, if you missed the Buffet pricing you can still grab it at 30% off through the weekend. With Father’s Day just around the corner, what better time to show off how much you love the old guy!
Sorry, this is retired
Week by Week June
How are you keeping up with your weekly project so far? I’m slowly but surely finishing up my 2017 pages (the first four pages below are mine) and am thinking about getting started on 2018 finally. Maybe I’ll even get caught up eventually! I say this because it’s never really too late to start if you have a little bit of organization when downloading your photos onto your computer. I always put things into folders labelled by weekly dates, so that’s its super easy to scrap that week when I’m ready. Generally speaking, when I see the photos I remember the various things I did that week. It’s pretty rare that I can’t remember what a photo is related to. Once I’ve scrapped that week the photos get moved into their permanent folders, which I organize into subfolders by year, month, and then event. Week by Week June is 30% off this week.
I love that these can be easily adapted for multiple photo pages as well. You certainly don’t need to be scrapping weekly in order to get good use of these templates! Happy scrapping and have a great weekend!